I promised I would post the steps I used to get this done and here they are:
**On Edit: found a typo in the commands for installing the prerequisites before running install.py. Corrected in this post now. 4/19/2021
**EDIT Again: improved/changed the steps to add the pre-install of redis server in order to also solve a problem with the redis.conf file that causes ERPNExt install failures on some Ubuntu 20.04 images. Not all images are affected this way but these extra steps prevent the problem anyway. Corrected in this post now. 5/25/2021
***Final EDIT: Please be aware the best practice for the past several weeks has been to abandon this “Easy Install” approach (even more so with Ubuntu 20.04). There are other threads on this forum now discussing the abandonment of the Easy Install Method across ALL operating systems, in favor of using either a “Manual Method” of install or using a Docker image. I have also previously written a method of manually installing on Ubuntu 20.04 and you can find it listed in great detail HERE at this LINK!! I would recommend the manual method over using the easy install method detailed below. I will NOT delete this older tutorial in the event portions of it can be useful in the future, but I no longer recommend this Easy Install method. EDIT 08/27/2021
On a clean fresh server on “root” login make sure to add a user for the ERPNext install…
(Obviously replace [USER] with your username everywhere in this posting)
adduser [USER]
usermod -aG sudo [USER]
Then while still logged in as root, update the system to the latest packages…
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Now, logout as the root user and login with the new user you just created. Perform the following steps:
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
sudo apt install git libffi-dev python3-minimal build-essential python3-distutils python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-testresources libssl-dev wkhtmltopdf redis
Nest we need to fix a potential problem in the redis config file:
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
When the editor is open, search for: bind ::1
and edit our the 2 colons and the 1 so it looks like bind
then save the file.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frappe/bench/develop/install.py
sudo python3 install.py --verbose --production --user [USER] --mariadb-version 10.5 --frappe-branch version-13 --erpnext-branch version-13
The above method is mostly taken from @martin42 and tweaked to work best for me on RackNerd VPS servers here in the US. The install worked flawlessly with no errors and I have done it now 3 times on 3 different servers in 3 different cities. Very pleased with the result.
One caution…
Do NOT get impatient. Once you hit the return key after starting the install.py script the process took just over 2 hours on my small servers (3vCPU, 3.5gbRAM, 60GBssd)
The result was the same on all 3 identical servers in 3 different cities. There was not more than 10 minutes difference between the install times across all of them.
As Always… Your Milage May Vary!
Hope this helps someone else.