Interest in integrating Mautic with ERPNext


We are currently looking into potentially migrating to ERPNext at my company (XWiki). One of our blockers is to have our marketing automation tool, Mautic, be able to push leads into the CRM of ERPNext.

It seems that ERPNext used to have an integration with Mautic in the past, which is available here, however, this integration seems to have stopped working since Frappe 12 (Mautic Integration Not Working - Please Help ; I could also confirm that the extension is not working on Frappe 15).

I’m wondering if anybody in the community is interested in such an integration nowadays, or if anybody is using ERPNext + Mautic using another method ?


Hi there,

I’m a big fan of XWiki!

We’ve got some light integrations between Mautic and ERPNext at my organization, though mostly going from ERPNext to Mautic rather than the direction you’re looking at. I’ve never had much luck wrappiing my head around how Mautic integrations work.

We’ve mostly used n8n for this purpose, though if we ever rebuilt we’d probably just use frappe’s native hooks.


I’m a big fan of XWiki!

Happy that you love it ! :heart:

Thanks a lot for the tip, we have tried using n8n internally and the results look promising :slight_smile: I’ll post something on this chat if we get to having a generic n8n workflow that we can share with the community!

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