Internal Server Error: After upgrade to ERPNEXT 8.0

After upgrading my bench from 7.0 to 8.0 I am receiving Internal server error on the brouser.

I am using Oracle Virtual Machine on Windows. After update I am able to login using Login ID frappe but I am not able to login using Login ID: Administrator

When I type localhost:8080/desk# or only localhost:8080 I just get error saying Internal Server Error.

Please help me in this regard.
Thankning you
Amarjeet Singh

Anyone out there, it’s URGENT please

@Amarjeet_Singh_Sintu Did you migrate your site after update using bench migrate

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No I did not. I just did the bench update. It gave me a message to CONFIRM that a major update from ERPNEXT 7 to 8 will be done and it will take a long time.@srajelli

run bench migrate --site sitename

OK. I will do it just now

@srajelli I typed cd sites in VM. Please tell me if the site name is ERPNEXT.VM? I am sorry for being Naiv in this regard.

Run the following to get current site

cd /home/frappe/frappe-bench/
cat sites/currentsite.txt

OK. I am running srajelli ji

When i try to run bench migrate as below:

frappe-bench bench migrate --site erpnext.vm

it says “no such option --site”

I even tried bench migrate --site erpnext
bench migrate erpnext
bench migrate erpnext.vm

the only command that I could run was frappe-bench bench migrate
but after running this command when I type localhost:8080 in browser it says bench is being updated

I don’t know what to do now???

Hello @Amarjeet_Singh_Sintu

First, update the bench repo

1 Go to bench-repo folder
2 git pull or git pull origin
3 Go back to frappe-bench folder
4 Run bench update
5 bench use “Your site name”
6 bench migrate
7 bench clear-cache
8 bench start.

I hope this will work for you.

try>> bench --site erpnext.vm migrate

I do not understand number 5. bench use “Your site name”

where should i use my site name?

my site name is erpnext.vm

I am sorry for being naiv!!!
please help


Did you try above four steps ? is it successfully executed?
In no. 5 step give your site name. it will default use mentioned site for further operation.

your site name is erpnext.vm so try this:

bench use erpnext.vm

These command is to determine the default site in your bench , you can type
bench use erpnext.vm

OR you can add –site erpnext.vm to any bench command after bench word like:
bench --site erpnext.vm migrate
bench --site erpnext.vm clear-cache
bench --site erpnext.vm build
and so on…

Thanks right now it’s migrateing my site

Dear Yogendra,
I went through all the steps as mentioned by you, successfully.
Now I am restarting the VM
Let’s see if this solves the problem

I went through all the 8 stps but still it’s saying “Your system is being updated, please refresh again after a few moments” status 503

I did restart the bench and the computer. but still it’s giving me above message. @yogendrasinh @srajelli @MaysaaSafadi

@Amarjeet_Singh_Sintu are you in developer branch or master?

I mean your ErpNext, frappe, and bench-repo Github branch is master or not?

if anyone is not master I prefer to you please take the master branch of them.

Go your Bench Repo directory, ErpNext, Frappe apps and check branch using command

git branch

@yogendrasinh when I go to bench-repo git branch and it gives me answer
in green color