Hello, I am trying to find the best way to process multiple customer account statements at once.
Right now, we are using Quickbooks, and one of the things that it allows us to do is create statements for all Customers with open account balances. Once you click print, Quickbooks then prints out multiple statements (one statement per customer), and on each statement, it gives them an overview of how many invoices are outstanding, each invoice’s number and posting date as well as the original amount and balance owed.
We generally process these statements every month and mail them to the customer so they can get a complete overview of their account, and handle any past due balances.
I would like the ability to do something similar within ERPNext, and considering that this is a fairly standard accounting procedure, I would be surprised if it is not already built in. So far though, the only thing that I have found that produces a result similar to what we have now is running an Accounts Receivable Report, which gives me about 99% of what I need, however when I go to print the report, I only have the option of printing the full report, which lists all the customers, or I can filter the report down to individual customers, but that is incredibly time consuming given that we typically have anywhere from 50-100 customers owing us at any given moment.
If someone could chime in on this, I would appreciate it.
An Accounts Receivable Report is basically something that we look at to see who owes us.
An Account Statement would be something for the customer to see to see how much they owe us.
Basically, we would like to have, as you said, the ability to filter down an AR report to customers that have open balances, but we would also like the ability to print or email the report, but have each unique customer be grouped on their own page or pages. This way, when the customer sees the report, they will know what invoices they have open, and how much they owe on each one.
I’ll provide a visual guide in a little while on what it is we would like to accomplish.
I will have to get with the board, and discuss this with them. If I had a general idea as to how much it would cost to develop this feature, I may have an easier time getting them to approve it.
Hi there, did this ever move forward? We’re looking to implement a hosted ERPNext instance for our distribution company, but a stumbling block for us is the lack of automated end of month customer account statements.
Any update on this would be appreciated! Thanks.
HI, I am testing several cloud based ERP and I am surprised how many do not print/email customer statements. This is a standard accounting procedure, a monthly bank statement is the norm as is your credit card statement. Most (but not all) European and U.S. software does allow mass emailing or printing of customer statements, how can this not be included in ERP Next ?
@rmehta Can you please briefly outline the steps a dev would need to add this feature to the system? I’ll try to get a quote and see if we can develop this and contribute it back.
I found way to get this done through email alert on overdue bill / at time creating new invoice.
We can think of a logic where similar report can be sent on some other event/click.
I think there should be a Selling Setting that caters to automatic generation of statements for customers. Something like Customer Statement Settings. Should contain fields like:
Company Code
Statement Frequency (every x days/weeks/months)
Print Format for Statement
Send By Email (if checked, use email in primary contact)