HI, I am testing several cloud based ERP and I am surprised how many do not print/email customer statements. This is a standard accounting procedure, a monthly bank statement is the norm as is your credit card statement. Most (but not all) European and U.S. software does allow mass emailing or printing of customer statements, how can this not be included in ERP Next ?
@rmehta Can you please briefly outline the steps a dev would need to add this feature to the system? I’ll try to get a quote and see if we can develop this and contribute it back.
Maybe this could be part of the customer portal! But it seems this is not a very standard practice.
It depends on the format. Will be great to do mockups of what such a feature might do.
I was thinking the portal could be enhanced quite a bit .
Ability to generate statement by the customer would be quite helpful .
Ability to submit a sales order based on available quantity would be amazing. This should be via the customer portal.
What will it take to make this happen ?
We MUST get the Automated Customer Statement process going… So I will co-ordinate the effort with ERPNEXT.
I need everybody who will help sponsoring it to just reply with their username. I propose the following process
- We do the function specs of what we want
- Get an estimate from the dev team
- Develop
- Test both cloud and desk
- Implement
Should not be that difficult?
Lets get this thing done for the sake of sanity
I found way to get this done through email alert on overdue bill / at time creating new invoice.
We can think of a logic where similar report can be sent on some other event/click.
+1 This would be a great and essential feature!
I think there should be a Selling Setting that caters to automatic generation of statements for customers. Something like Customer Statement Settings. Should contain fields like:
- Company Code
- Statement Frequency (every x days/weeks/months)
- Print Format for Statement
- Send By Email (if checked, use email in primary contact)
A background ALL task would then take these settings, generate the statements based on them and then send out if Send By Email is checked. There is already a Statement of Account that can be generated from the general ledger report filtered by the 3rd party (Website users don't have read access to GL Entry · Issue #9187 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub)
If send by email is not checked, perhaps generate the PDF and attach it to the relevant customer master.
In order to enable a customer view their statement online, I think some permission changes are required. Please refer again to this ticket Website users don't have read access to GL Entry · Issue #9187 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
+1 Let’s keep this thread alive, essential feature!
Any update on this? This is essential… I would be ready to sponsor this feature…
I could add a 100$ or so to the effort. Sounds like a useful feature.
Can you please open a bounty?
@jai_kejriwal @Deepak_Pai @bardbq
Good Feature for sending mass email.
If you want to sponsor, then its great.
Can you make mockup?
I suggest, one can build tool similar to bank reconciliation.
Select From Date, To Date.
Get all customer who has outstanding amount with primary email.
Show button to Send Emails or Print Account Statement.
Bank Reconciliation UI for mockup.
Hi All, I can contribute $100. I will leave all other leadership activities to you including mock ups, coding or creating a bounty Hope that helps
@Deepak_Pai I can make tools similar to Payment Reconciliation.
I can also get default Account Statement, but I need to check how I can export it to Pdf of HTML
If any other developer want to take this, I am ready to help. I need help in Mockup II
Mockup I
We will have screen to select From Date, To Date, Party Type, Minumum Outstanding Amount and Maximum Outstanding Amount.
Based on this, system will fetch customer with Primary Contact Email ID (whose total outstanding amount is matched with criteria).
User can add or delete customer and update his primary contact Email ID
There is one button to Send Email for customer
Mockup II
Functionality is similar to Mockup I
There is extra button for Print Account Statement and Generate PDF
Please note that @dsslrbrandon was talking in the beginning about something important which is not only to send mass of emails for parties (which could be customer or supplier), he was talking about generating statement for multiple parties, in other words: selecting multiple parties and then generating statement for each party and to be statement after statement (customer A then customer B and then customer C and so on).
Then this thread talked about sending mass of emails for the parties.
So, it will be taken into consideration the ability to generate statement for multiple parties (customers and suppliers, they can be a mix of customers and suppliers also)?
Any news on this? We’re looking to replace our system with ERPnext as of next financial year so I’m currently in the process of implementing required customisations to our deployment, and would prefer not working on a bespoke implementation of a feature that might be released before then.
Being able to send statements to all customers on demand is an essential feature that should be part of the core feature set. Please consider developing this as a priority even if it can’t be done as a bounty.
Good Day
This feature really needed as all major accounting software can send statements to their customers for instance. We currently export data out of ERPNext and use data in Excell to get this working.
Thank You
Albertus Geyser
Yes, this feature is desperately needed. I am on ERPNext Cloud and have no way to customize the reports to get this. I’m going to have to export data out of ERPNext and use Excel as well. Unfortunate!
@Dboobis i agree there is no erp or any accounting program without statements both for customers and suppliers