Need help pushing my app to git

Hi Guys ,

Thanks for the support , I referred this post

and created a git repo and followed the steps

ommi@ommi:~$ cd /home/ommi/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment
ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ommi/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment/.git/
ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git add README.mdommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git commit -m "first commit"
[master (root-commit) 8d6457a] first commit
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644
ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git remote add upsteam
ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git push upstream master
fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

I am getting the above error please help



use git push upsteam master or rename the remote using
git remote rename upsteam upstream and push using upstream

Thanks, Makarand

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Hi @makarand_b .

Thanks for quick reply , I will try and let you know .


Hi , @makarand_b ,

I am getting the same error , please help

ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git remote rename upsteam upstreamommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git push upsteam master
fatal: 'upsteam' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.



you have renamed the remote to upstream and trying to push on old remote,

try the git remote -v you will get the current remote alias and use that to push the code.

Thanks, Makarand

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Thanks a lot for the support , I am a newbie could you please guide me on this , now I get this error

ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git remote -v
upsteam (fetch)
upsteam (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git push upstream master
Username for '':
Password for '': 
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '' not found

I created a new repo in git but why did I get this error ?

Please help


The addon repository is not created on Github, create a new repository with the same name then try to push the code

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Many thanks for the support , I will try and let you know .


Hi @makarand_b .

I created a repo in the same name , which is addon and now I am getting the below error ,

ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git remote add upsteam
fatal: remote upsteam already exists.

Please guide me .



You can change the upstream URL using set-url option.

e.g. `git remote set-url upstream https/

Thanks, Makarand

1 Like

Thanks for the support @makarand_b . Inspite of doing that I am getting the same error

ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git remote set-url upstream https/
ommi@ommi:~/frappe-bench/apps/heat_treatment$ git remote add upsteam 
`fatal: remote upsteam already exists.`

Could you guide me ? Thanks

please refer


Hi ,
@makarand_b I will read the manual and try doing it . I will post if I am struck somewhere .Thanks

Hi @makarand_b ,

Thanks a lot for guiding me , I was able to do that finally . The same way I have customized erpnext standard modules , I understand even erpnext is an app . Will following the same procedure help me in pushing my customized erpnext in my repo ? If a different procedure has to be followed , could you guide me how to do that.
