Overlaps and Overrides the display value

In doc1 I have fields ‘full_name’ and ‘maker’.
the fieldtype of ‘full_name’ is ‘data’ and it is fecthed from ‘docA’
the ‘maker’ field is linked to standard ‘User’ doctype.
In the ‘User’ doctype the title field is ‘full_name’ as well.
when I create a doc1 the ‘maker’ field perfectly shows the user’s (current user/ creator of the document) email address (later what will be user’s ‘full_name’) in the field. But after save the ‘maker’ field shows the value of ‘full_name’ field of the doc1. But the Database stores the correct value.

How to solve this issue? This is a display issue

Frappe Framework: v15.51.1 (version-15)

N.B: Solved the issue with help of Property Setter DocType Link.
But this suppose to be not to happen.