Please upgrade to version or above to use the current version of India Compliance


I am getting this error while installing india_compliance app on site.

Installing india_compliance…
Incompatible ERPNext Version:
ERPNext version 15.4.0 not compatible with India Compliance 15.7.0
Please upgrade {app_name} to version {required_version} or above to use the current version of India Compliance.

Hi @pm23,

For now, If you want to install the latest india_compliance (v15.7.0) then frappe must be in the 15.3.0 and erpnext must be in the 15.15.0. so I think, you should update the erpnext.

Thank You!

@NCP I have this

psahadev@erp-dev-delhi:~$ bench --version

Hi @pm23,

You should update the erpnext because your erpnext version is compatible with India Compliance. again check the GitHub reference.

bench update

but first, take a backup and then try to update.

Thank You!


image (1)
What to do? Please give commands also for steps. Second 1 i would like to do.

Are there any changes added in core file of frappe and erpnext. if you want to the remove the all changes which added then apply the command.

bench update --reset

Thank You!

@NCP I got this

I have restart the bench and again refresh then also same

Hi @pm23,

Please apply it.

bench --site sitename set-maintenance-mode off

Thank You!

@NCP It solved.


Currently by frappe and erpnext versions are

ERPNext: v15.25.0 (version-15)

Frappe Framework: v15.28.0 (version-15)

what can i do with this?

for what?

If new issue then please create a new thread.

i cannot install india compliance in this version.

ERPNext: v15.25.0 (version-15)

Frappe Framework: v15.28.0 (version-15)

Same step, that I provided in your post.