Query Report - Query report Path on Server Side

I have created the following query report as shown below.

Now, on the server side, apps/accounts/report path, the report(SOCBEEF Per Customer) is not available.

Can anyone please confirm if I am in the correct folder?

I want to add some parameters in the query report and create a print format.

Best Regards,

Kartive_ifc can you help me how to make check in check out get workings hours Please solve this problem if you can

@Salman_Tah can you please provide more information? for example which module you are refering .

  1. Login as Administrator
  2. Set field is_standard to yes
  3. Save the report

You will see a folder with a json file in the specific module folder which in your case is Accounts

You can modify the query for sure. Do you want a print format for the report ? If yes then checkout the general ledger report folder, there is a print format for the report you can follow

c.name as “Attendance Name:Data:150”,
(select employee_name from tabAttendance where name = c.name) as “Employee Name:Data:120”,
(select department from tabAttendance where name = c.name) as “Department:Data:120”,
(select check_in from tabAttendance where name = c.name) as “Check in Time:Data:50”,
(select check_out from tabAttendance where name = c.name) as “Check Out Time:Data:50”,
(select working_hours from tabEmployee where employee = c.name) as “Working Hours:Currency:80”

from tabAttendance as c

@Kartive_lfc can you tell me about that query How to i do query report i want check in check out get total hours working

See also Get Employee Total Working Hours (Missing)

Yes sir i want Total hours query report please can you give me the solution.