Releasing a full-blown PMIS module for ERPNext

Nextproject: The Ultimate PMIS Solution for ERPNext :rocket:

Welcome to Nextproject, an advanced add-on for ERPNext that transforms the Project module into a comprehensive Project Management Information System (PMIS). Designed to handle all project management operations for companies of any size, Nextproject is your go-to solution for streamlined, efficient, and effective project management.

Key Features :sparkles:

1. Automated Project Billing :receipt:

  • Fixed Recurring
  • Allocation Based
  • Timesheet Based
  • Milestone Based

2. Resource Allocation and Planning Module :date:

Effortlessly plan and allocate resources to ensure optimal utilization.

3. Project Milestone Signoff :writing_hand:

  • Online e-sign from clients for milestone acceptance.

4. Project Charter :scroll:

Define the project charter to outline objectives, scope, and participants.

5. Project Timesheet Validation and Budgeting :money_with_wings:

  • Ensure employees do not exceed budgeted hours.

6. Timesheet Filling Made Simple :memo:

  • Easy form with minimal fields and robust validation.

7. Timesheet Approval Mechanism :white_check_mark:

Streamlined approval process for timesheets.

8. Daily Scrum Module :man_running:

  • Attendance ledger for Scrum Masters and attendees with energy point rules.

9. GitHub Integration :link:

  • View commit histories and push code directly.

10. 100% Automated Performance Bonus Module :moneybag:

  • Automatically calculates and awards performance bonuses.

11. Performance Improvement Program :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Automation and tracking of performance improvement initiatives.

12. Project Meetings with ICS File Generation :calendar:

  • Send invites directly from ERPNext, Google-style.

13. Project Risk Module :warning:

  • Identify and manage project risks.

14. Unit Testing Module :test_tube:

  • Test cases, sessions, and issue closure automation.

15. Timesheet Defaulters Ledger :rotating_light:

  • Warnings and tracking based on configuration.

16. Task Date Change Validation :date:

  • Ensure all date changes on tasks are validated.

17. Re-assign Projects and Tasks :arrows_counterclockwise:

  • Flexible reassignment of projects and tasks.

Reports :bar_chart:

  1. Resource Allocation
  2. Attendance vs. Timesheet
  3. Performance Target Variation
  4. Project Status (Outstanding, Profit, Margin, etc.)
  5. Timesheet Ledger
  6. Underutilized Resources
  7. Resource-wise Project Allocation
  8. Resource-wise Billable Hours
  9. PMIS Dashboard
  10. Project Charter
  11. Risk Report
  12. Project Plan Sheet

Getting Started :rocket:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies:

    cd <frappe folder>
    bench get-app erpnext
    bench get-app Nextproject
  3. Setup the App:

    bench --site yoursite install-app nextproject
  4. Run the Server:

    bench start

Contributing :handshake:

We welcome suggestions to make Nextproject even better! Please create issues and we will tag it properly to consider all logical enhancements we feel fit for a wider audience.

License :scroll:

This project is licensed under the AGPL3 License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contact Us :e-mail:

For any queries, feel free to reach out at

Let’s revolutionize project management with Nextproject! :star2:

forthebadge forthebadge


Hi @asoral:

Looks really great!!
But seems that the repo is not reachable, maybe is private …

Thank you for sharing.

1 Like

Yea, the repo is private. We want this to be a revenue stream for us.

However, we would be releasing many other apps in this effort of leveraging frappe marketplace for our products. And some of them would be public while others might not be.

Hi @asoral:

I fully understand your strategy for get some revenue from Frappe Cloud.
But, in this case, installation instructions are pretty confusing. :slight_smile:

IMHO, your information about the new app would be useful for other users, but please, think about that … if you are advertising here for your product, maybe your post is running in “dangerous” zone. :wink:

Thanks anyway.