Reset site back to first login possible?

Hello I installed ERPNext and started testing a little before going into production.

The thing is I have input some data and company structure that I want to change. is there a way to delete everything and take the ERPNext back to the first install login process?

Or do I have to delete the VPS server and reinstall ERPNext?

I hope not!

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I promise I searched before posting. I just found this:

So doing:

bench --site site_name reinstall

will work? What happens to the previous database?

How can I list the sites I have? (sorry I am a real beginner)
How can I study how many bench commands there are?

What data do you want to change? TimeZone, Chart of accounts? …

Maybe you can do it whitout reinstalling anything …

I want to delete everything and start with an empty database again…

I used it for testing so now I have all sorts of garbage in the system everywhere.

@Divert The command
bench --site site_name reinstall will completely delete the previous database of that site and re-install a fresh instance. You will walk throught the complete setup process after running this command.


Here is some info about bench commands

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How I do It Without reinstalling