Running Frappe/ERPNext locally; no external network access

Is there a defined method for running Frappe in an isolated network without access to the internet? I mean disabling the use of external dependencies like google fonts, gravatar, etc.

To be clear, I do not mean the situation like this. The question there seemed to be more about batching transactions remotely during periods of downtime between client/server. I need to know if Frappe/ERPNext can gracefully run 100% local.

@jvermette yeah should run. Unless you have external links (images etc) in your print formats that might break during PDF generation.

Ok, but for instance, the link to the google font is hardcoded into the desk template in the frappe app. I could easily change this, but any updates down the road may merge conflict.

Is there a config setting where I could override the desk template with my own? Or is a manual edit the only option right now?

I have this same question regarding gravatars. I would like to remove them completely.

  1. Google fonts are removed in v5
  2. You can disable default gravatars by updating (but they are not called in prints)