Select all doctypes

frappe.ui.form.on('*', {
    refresh(frm) {
        // Hide the Duplicate button for specified user roles
        if (frappe.user_roles.includes("Administrator") || frappe.user_roles.includes("Desk User")) {
  '[data-label="' + __("Duplicate") + '"]').parent().parent().remove();

this does not work for all doctypes?

I don’t know about “*” but if you are adding code in doctype_js.js , it will work only for that doctype.

i know that i want to delete the duplicate button for all system user
in all doctype

Try creating a JS file and include it in the app_include_js hook, and modify your code based on that. Your final code will look something like this.

 if (frappe.user_roles.includes("Administrator") || frappe.user_roles.includes("Desk User")) {'[data-label="' + __("Duplicate") + '"]').parent().parent().remove();

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i tried it

It is working or not?
Try this; it worked for me.

	setTimeout(() =>{
		if (frappe.user_roles.includes("Administrator") || frappe.user_roles.includes("Desk User")) {'[data-label="' + __("Duplicate") + '"]').parent().parent().remove();
	}, 1000);

not working
i tried this two some page need more than this time to be ready

i try this now and check it but not work in all senarios

$(window).on('hashchange', page_changed);
$(window).on('load', page_changed);

function page_changed(event) {
    // Waiting for the page to load completely
    frappe.after_ajax(function () {
        var route = frappe.get_route();

        if (route[0] === "Form") {
            var doctype = route[1];

            // Check if the event handler is already set
            if (!frappe.ui.form.on[doctype]) {
                frappe.ui.form.on(doctype, {
                    refresh: function (frm) {
                        console.log("doctype = " + frm.doctype);
                        if (frappe.user_roles.includes("Administrator") || frappe.user_roles.includes("Desk User")) {
                  '[data-label="' + __("Duplicate") + '"]').parent().parent().remove();

this worked
thx @ejaaz @Mohammed_Redha

on which file did you save this? is there any hook setting to do before this?

@auliabismar see this