Send Notification to email

I have setup a notification as with the screenshot here, which sends out an email to all users with the “Stock Manager” role. That is fine and works like a charm.

However, I would like to add two specific, external, email addresses to be included in the notification. Where or how can I add these two email addresses to receive the notification? It’s ERPNext version 15.19.2.

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Hi @matthkarl,

Edit the row and add it.

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Oh wow, so easy. Thanks a lot.

Thank you @ncp its very easy and simple will helpfull for us

Is there a way to only send to an external email address without also sending to a recipient based on a field on the doctype?

Just leave the Receiver By Document field and Receiver by Role blank.

Under CC, type the email address. You can input multiple email addresses by having only one email address on each line

Thank you. I’ve tried this and I’m unable to save. On save, the row is removed and I get a validation error that there must be at least one recipient.