Dear community,
I this thread I would like to summarize ways to extend server side logics in Frappe (python). This is based on my experiences thus far.
Till now, I only find 4 ways.
- Use doc_event hooks
- Class method extension
- Whitelisted method override
- Monkey patching
Note: #1 option is most recommended, #4 is least recommended.
1) Use doc_events hooks
This is the most used and recommended as it is easier to maintain than other methods.
- Works without overriding the original logic, it is an incremental work.
- Easy to use, recommended to use before other methods.
- Not as flexible as it should be,i.e., we can’t control the order of execution, nor prevent existing code from happening.
- Limited hook point such as validate, after_insert, on_update, etc…
2) Class method extension
This method is used to extend Class’s method only. It is flexible, the second best method.
- Calling super() allows for better control over the order of code execution.
- Can be used with any method, not just CRUD like doc_events.
- This is the standard Python method.
- If there are 2 Downstream apps extending the same class, the latter will override the first.
- Can only be used with Class methods, can’t be used with floating functions
Note: If it’s a floating function, you have to use override type 3 or 4
3) Whitelisted method override
- Easy to use, it will directly override the whitelisted method
- It is an override, not an extension which I don’t really like it much.
- Can only be used with floating whitelisted methods (not Class’s whitelist methods)
- Can’t be used with non-whitelisted methods (which will need last resource, the monkey patch)
4) Monkey patch
This method must be said to be not the Framework’s approach, but in many cases it cannot be avoided (floating and non-whitelisted methods)
- It is the last ways
- It is an override, not an extension
- Writing a patch in __ init will work even if the app with this patch is not installed (if not installed, you have to delete it from the apps folder).
So, how you find this useful, and please correct me if there are better ways out there.