United States Meetups

@aavaughan @bkm @dude613 @shareeef @tmatteson @MartinHBramwell @Rgottsch1 @brian_pond

Hello Everyone, I wanted to see if everyone would be interested in establishing a weekly or monthly virtual meeting. From going through some of the threads, there look to be over 20 ERPNext service providers in the United States, and there is a lot of learning that we could share with one another. I was thinking of something like lunch and learns to start. I am building a website for this, and we will be able to upload blogs, tuts, videos, plan events, etc.
I know not everyone will be able to join a call next week, but I would like to start getting something virtual to establish.

Thanks, Everyone, and let me know if I have missed anyone.


@DrTrills @anand @cradford @MichaelPinkowski @AV8 @fblauer @lefebvre_bern @aldoblack

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@xickomesquita @James_Peverill @stardotmatt @kmoroz1 @cpurbaugh @eleben @Kevin_Moroz

@shareeef @DynamicDoyle

Sorry, for tagging, and hope it is okay just wanted to get everyone in the thread.

I’m in

@James_Houx @benknowles


Well, if you are going to try to do this as a virtual event, then you will have to set a reasonable time slot. I already know that all of the current US service providers are scattered across all 4 time zones.

Additionally, for it to become a regular event, it would also have to be on a fixed schedule to allow drop-ins when any one of us are available to participate.

If you can sustain that framework, then it could actually build momentum over time and become a valuable resource.

Do you have the resources to setup a permanent server to collect information and provide links to participants? This is likely where the snag will arise. During a down economy, maintaining a server that does not already pay for itself takes commitment.

If there is interest in trying to setup such ‘meetings of the minds’ then it would also require a person accustomed to running such collectives to step in to get it started.

Weekly meets are likely far too frequent for most of us due to an already busy schedule. However, I can understand why it might make sense to collect information that frequently in order to respond to issues affecting the community.

Monthly is likely right at the edge of being to ‘infrequent’ to hold the attention of important contributors because it occurs at potentially poor times for any given participant. I have witnessed groups fall apart in less than a year when they only commit to doing things once per month.

Twice monthly (first and third day each month) seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ for such things (in my limited experience). It is still often enough that if you miss 2 or 3 times during the year you do not fall behind in the community interests. Weekly is of course the best, but it is also the hardest to get any group to commit to when they are already busy building and maintaining their own businesses.

I am okay with committing to participating when possible, but even that would require some up-front knowledge that there is some perceived structure to indicate it is a serious effort.

Anyway… just my thoughts.


Sweet! A week ago I started thinking about creating a Discord server, and now this idea pops up! So I went ahead and started a Discord server. I called it Erpnext-US in case this group gets traction, the discord server can be an additional venue for any group members who like to use Discord. Everyone is welcome to join:

ErpNext-Us Discord

.NET Devs Discord
Also, for what it’s worth, I am cofounder for the Discord server “.NET Developers” and we’ve been pretty successful!

On .NET Devs, we especially like to discuss Data-Oriented Programming, High-Performance Programming, Programming Languages, and C# Tech Stacks (we’ve got a few Rust and C++ programmers who hang out there as well). Our objective is to be a place particularly well-suited to experienced programmers who want to up their .NET game, but we welcome beginners as well.

@bkm Based on the flow of your post, I believe you meant to say “Bi-weekly seems to be the ‘sweet spot’”. Yes?

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Accidentally made a temporary Erpnext-US Discord link in the previous post. I replaced it with a permanent one.

Erpnext-US Discord

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Yup! Fixed it. That is what happens when you type in the morning before your caffeine fix. :upside_down_face:


I have one of my team members setting up a Forum and an informational website right now. My guess is it will be ready next week sometime. For video conferencing, I was planning on using our company zoom for the time being.

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Hello everyone,

Does any of these days sound good to you guys? The 16th, 18th, 23rd, 25th of August around 330 EST?

What month and timezone?

I was thinking this month and EST. The main objective is to get an idea of how we want to organize the meeting and who wants to do presentations.

I or somebody from my team can present something at the next meetup.

@jhk @roberp @HKuz

Hey Everyone, I have surveyed so we can get an idea of what works best for everyone.
Thanks. https://forms.gle/uV1huZxnSPoUF1yb6

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Hey, here are the results of the survey. I have removed emails and names.

How does 8/25/2022 at 3 pm EST or 9/1/2022 at 3 pm EST work for a first meeting?

Probably best to go with 9/1, considering I’m the first person to reply to this. :smile: