What are the benefits of using frappe framework to build web applications?

What are the main benefits or using frappe framework to make web applications, rather than using more popular options like regular stacks which include backends such as Django, Node.js, etc. and for using react, vue etc. for the frontend.

Frappe is a web framework based on an application/data dictionary, designed for creating enterprise applications. It serves as a platform for rapid application development.
Frappe does not compete with technologies like ASP dot NET, Django, PHP MVC, or Spring web frameworks.

Instead, it can be compared to other application/data dictionary frameworks such as Adempiere/Idempiere, Zoho Creator, Salesforce, ServiceNow, SAP, Oracle, and similar platforms.

While most application and data dictionary frameworks are limited to their specific data dictionary scopes, Frappe offers additional customization options that can rival traditional web application frameworks also.

If you’re looking to develop an enterprise B2B application, a data dictionary framework would be a suitable choice. However, if your goal is to create B2C applications, consider using standard web frameworks or native mobile applications.

Here you can find the specific features -

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