Container Image is used to run a container.
Refer this to build custom image: frappe_docker/docs/ at main · frappe/frappe_docker · GitHub.
If it is simple frappe app with no nodejs backend/process, it’ll get built using the above documentation. Start a new thread for your custom nodejs backend it you face problem.
No! The NodeJS backend/process that starts with node /path/to/your/main.js
is not available / allowed.
Only Frappe app that does DocTypes, Scripts, Hooks, Controllers, Print Formats, Whitelisted endpoints etc. is allowed.
As long as you’re not doing anything beyond getting dependencies with pyproject.toml or requirements.txt you’ll be allowed.
Custom queues may not be possible, confirm that as well.
No NodeJS. Also, Private Networks/VPN confirm with them. Raise a ticket.
Official bench repo: GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
My forked bench repo: GitHub - revant/bench: Multi-tenant platform to install and manage Frappe / ERPNext
Official frappe repo: GitHub - frappe/frappe: Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript
My forked frappe repo: GitHub - revant/frappe: Full Stack Web Framework in Python & JS. Used to build ERPNext
The underlying docker compose is stable. Dokploy and Portainer are projects that give you UI for docker swarm. The docker compose template is standard docker swarm stack. It can also be deployed without these ui with simple docker stack deploy
Same containers are used on any other orchestration platform where containers work. e.g. Docker Swarm (ui: dokploy, portainer), Kubernetes, Nomad, Google Cloud Run, AWS Fargate.