Where can I get the offical ERPNext 14 docker installer?

I have an ERPNext 13 site fully manually installed. I do not want to go through that again to upgrade to V15, so I want to give the Docker images a try.

I want to upgrade to version 15 but have understood it is necessary to go V13 ==> V14 ==> V15.

So I actually need the location of both Docker images as well as installation instruction for both and upgrade instructions for both. Unfortunately I see there are several different containers offered in GitHub and do not know whether they are superior or dangerous or what.

Huge gratitude for links to all of that. Thanks in advance.

(Is there an imminent V16?)

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Thank you, Peter!

v14 image tags are published, check https://hub.docker.com/r/frappe/erpnext/tags

Use the preferred version in your compose.yml for the frappe/erpnext image. e.g. frappe/erpnext:v14.83.1

If you need version 12 or anything before that, build your own image using frappe_docker/docs/custom-apps.md at main · frappe/frappe_docker · GitHub, change the nodejs, python and frappe version as per the erpnext or apps to build.

Thank you! You are an absolute pro! I hugely admire you and your work. Thank you, again!

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@MartinHBramwell you can also go through frappecloud.com. Create a version-13 custom bench there and then just run the update via the built in function. Once you are running on version-15 you can just download the backup again and restore it in a then brand new installation that you will have setup in the meantime.

I am suggesting this, as I am guessing, that you OS that your version-13 is running on might also be outdated and will require some extra work/time to upgrade also.

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Hi. Thank you for jumping in.

Last time I looked at frappecloud it did not permit us to install your own specialized apps. Since I assumed that that had not changed, and because we have several of those, including a significant development in NodeJs, I have been looking at modernizing our system in other ways.

Our current system was 100% manually built. Suddenly recently it has become inexplicably slow and very difficult to bring up a new version should it go down. So I want to do a complete modernization with redundant Docker containers that can be spun up quickly somewhere else if ever our VPS hosting service starts failing us. I want to exploit as much of the latest smartest technology (Portainer?) so that rapid failure handling requires only a modest amount of technical knowledge.

Do you know if frappecloud will now permit me to run my own NodeJs app?

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You cannot depend on official frappe/erpnext images, you’ll need to build your own image with custom app

Recently this happened, Self-hosting Frappe/ERPNext Apps with Dokploy | Frappe Blog

Frappe Cloud allows you to install custom apps if you’ve got a private bench set up. I believe you’ve got to be on the $25/mo plan for that.

It is not just custom app created with bench new-app app_name, It also has setup like this How Add nodejs App to frappe & bench? - #7 by MartinHBramwell

What frappecloud cannot do (on 2025-03-03):

  • Scale or auto-scale by adding more VMs (scale-out)
  • Add custom backends and reverse proxy with frappe site
  • use forked bench command or frappe framework
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I’ve been way off on other things for a long time.
So, at the risk of seeming really dumb, I have to ask you for a few clarifications, if I may?

By an “image” are you referring to a Docker container definition?

You seem to be saying that Frappe Cloud will allow me to install the ERPNext apps I have developed, including the NodeJs resource service that I embedded in one of the apps. Is that correct?

That NodeJs application must be able to send data to, and receive responses back from, Web Services on a government server. Is that also permitted? Or is that what you mean by a “custom backend”.

What is a “forked bench command”? Forked as in “customized”?

That looks really, really good. But I wonder if you think that it has a long term future in active development or if it is more in a testing-the-market state, right now?

Container Image is used to run a container.

Refer this to build custom image: frappe_docker/docs/custom-apps.md at main · frappe/frappe_docker · GitHub.

If it is simple frappe app with no nodejs backend/process, it’ll get built using the above documentation. Start a new thread for your custom nodejs backend it you face problem.

No! The NodeJS backend/process that starts with node /path/to/your/main.js is not available / allowed.

Only Frappe app that does DocTypes, Scripts, Hooks, Controllers, Print Formats, Whitelisted endpoints etc. is allowed.

As long as you’re not doing anything beyond getting dependencies with pyproject.toml or requirements.txt you’ll be allowed.

Custom queues may not be possible, confirm that as well.

No NodeJS. Also, Private Networks/VPN confirm with them. Raise a ticket.

Official bench repo: GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
My forked bench repo: GitHub - revant/bench: Multi-tenant platform to install and manage Frappe / ERPNext

Official frappe repo: GitHub - frappe/frappe: Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript
My forked frappe repo: GitHub - revant/frappe: Full Stack Web Framework in Python & JS. Used to build ERPNext

The underlying docker compose is stable. Dokploy and Portainer are projects that give you UI for docker swarm. The docker compose template is standard docker swarm stack. It can also be deployed without these ui with simple docker stack deploy command.

Same containers are used on any other orchestration platform where containers work. e.g. Docker Swarm (ui: dokploy, portainer), Kubernetes, Nomad, Google Cloud Run, AWS Fargate.

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This is all tremendously helpful. Thank you very much again!

Maybe you could use Server Scripts of type “cron” to regularly work through queues of access (of your own building) for needs to contact external sites (using “make_get_request” and “make_post_request” of the python script api).