We generate most of our leads on our websites through a live chat there. We are using Intercom. Did anyone integrate Intercom into ERPNext already and can share his experience and what he did? I would also want to see the ERPNext profile info in the profile section of Intercom synced. Possible?
I believe there is crisp integration.
@Martin_Seibert ERPNext either already has it or is close to having chat on the website. So instead of integrating intercom, integrate the ERPNext chat.
Intercom is a massive company with a valuation of 1,1 bn USD. We heavily rely on their platform and I fear, that this is not a path that ERPNext should follow right now. I understand that a broad offering is compelling. But tackling stuff, that is already solved decently by others is nothing that I would recommend.
But I understand from the two answers here so far, that this is something that would have to be tackled individually and there is no solution available as of now, right?
Customer chat is something that is either done or almost done. I agree that ERPNext should focus on becomming the best ERP system and not necessarily get lost and do too many things at the same time. But hey, we just made a employee time tracker for 2500 dollars and Dorma Kaba has a revenue of 2.5 billion Euros
We are not really competition, we just do things our way, fully integrated.
I just want to focus my own time on things that are broke. Intercom is far from broke. The software is actually pretty good working for us.
Intercom has a Zapier integration and I have recently integrated ERPNext with Zapier. (Private, as of now.)
So it would be possible to connect the Trigger “New Intercom Lead” with the Create “New Lead” in ERPNext. All fields of the “Lead” DocType can be set.
This solution could also be extended to sync from ERPNext to Intercom.
Hello @rmeyer
I suppose the obvious question is do you have any plans in terms of releasing your ERPNext to Zapier code? This is something a great many people including myself would be interested in …
On top of the question if you plan to put this addition back into core, I would like to see, what it can do. Zapier integrations often do not work very deeply and have thus been replaced recently from our teams with custom build solutions after while. Can you document, what you have realized so far?
So far, the oAuth flow and and one Create are working. (Successful code tests and manual tests with an erpnext.com instance.)
It’s an app that is run by Zapier and talks to the Frappe API. On a longer timescale it would make sense for the code to be officially maintained by the Frappe team (if they want) and released as an official “ERPNext” app on Zapier.
@Julian_Robbins and @Martin_Seibert would you like to talk about financing development in this direction?
We will definitely build an Intercom integration. I doubt that a Zapier integration can be as versatile. So at this point I do not see the value for us. In general this sounds like a very interesting and valueable thing.
I would offer a general budget to make this a core addition to the open source community as a contribution however. Please reach out to me for a number and get a general feedback on whether @rmehta and his team think, this is something that they would want to check, once you start a pull request.
@Martin_Seibert were you able to do the integration ? I do have similar requirement and use another chat support platform and want to integrate it so that leads coming from my webiste via widget directly flows to erpnext crm . It would be great if you could help me how to achieve this
No. I am sorry. We did not build a solution for this.