Lowering the pile of issues on github - Call for Volunteers

Continuing the discussion from [Foundation] Summary of the 3rd Member's Call:

As part of lining out a roadmap towards v9 the participants of last weeks online meeting of the ERPNext Foundation members have decided it was a good starting point to look at the open issues on github.

First action step is to categorize all (1043 at the moment) open issues using github labels.

In order to tackle this task we are looking for volunteers within the Community to help with labeling all open issues on github.

We target at 10 Volunteers to tackle 100 issues each over the coming weeks.

So far we have:

  1. @JoEz (github: joezsweet), also
  2. @James_Robertson has shown willingness to volunteer (can you provide your github please?)

Who else? Please everybody who is willing to participate respond to this topic providing your github ID.

The logic for labeling should be:

  • is it a bug → label bug & related module
  • is it a question → close the issue and ask the user to post the question on the forum
  • is it vague → close the issue and ask user to elaborate
  • is it a feature request? → label related module
  • is it a localization request → label localization

the labels are already in place, so work can begin as soon the volunteers have been granted access to the issues (which @rmehta will do based on this list here).

  1. JoEz (github: joezsweet)
  2. James_Robertson (github: jwrober)
  3. vishdha (gh: vishdha)
  4. hpema108 (gh: hpema)
  5. Mukesh_Variyani (gh: finbyz)
  6. Tropicalrambler (gh: tropicalambler)
  7. iHello (gh: gmplab)
  8. keshav (gh: keshav-m)
  9. @aaimaa (gh: aaimaawebs)
  10. @adityaduggal (gh: adityaduggal)
  11. @bohlian (gh: bohlian)
  12. @Randy_Lowery (gh: RandyLowery)
  13. @jai_kejriwal (gh: jk2081)
  14. @tmatteson (please provide your github id)
  15. @ishanloya (gh: ishanloya)
  16. @Nick (gh: nick9822)
  17. @Ooops_404 (gh: Ooops-404 )
  18. @subhra44 (gh: saurabh-bhosale)

I’ll help, my id is hpema

I can participate, my github id finbyz

I will gladly do the labelling, I have also had this urge for quite some time, this will empower ERPNext! Github user: @Tropicalrambler

I am jwrober on github

I have done quite a bit of scraping of issues today, count is now 999.

I would request community members who have raised issues in the past on GitHub to review their issues & close them if they have been fixed in the latest release. This would also help lower the pile of issues.


I can help to do this thing.
My Ghub id : @gmplab

thanks at everybody so far (we are still accepting more Volunteers for this)

the ones who have signed up so far should be granted access for labeling shortly.

I would like to volunteer as well. My id is keshav-m

I :heart: contributions at ERPNext !! Would be very happy to volunteer.


  1. aaimaa (organization)
  2. aaimaawebs (user)

thanks @aaimaa. added you to the list. you should be granted access to the labels shortly.

Added everyone to the team

Some rules:

  1. Please don’t create extra branches (since you now have write access)
  2. Please add a profile picture - always helps to correctly identify someone in an issue or otherwise - its much easier to reply, identify when there is a pic

Happy tagging!

Just have questions before moving to applying labels.

One of Team Member already labeled an issue at GitHub. Still @rmehta removed that label. This seems bulk activity performed by Rushabh. This question was raised for clarification only. I mean, we new volunteer which was invited through the campaign, will not conflict the previous activities done by the Frappe team.

For example:
KanchanChauhan added the enhancement label on Mar 7
& thereafter,
rmehta removed the enhancement label 3 days ago

This contribution not to become a nightmare for team. If any instructions there, can be shared to all of us.

fair point. I have seen such as well.

I think we just ignore previous labeling activities an label ahead

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I would also be willing to label the issues and hopefully help in closing small issues.
gh: adityaduggal

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thanks for helping out @adityaduggal. Added you to the list.

@rmehta will give access to the labeling project shortly.

I am available… github id is “asbasawaraj”

Invited @adityaduggal and @Basawaraj_Savalagi !