[Video Tutorial] step by step guide to install ERPNext 14 on Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS

Hello Friends,

here is the updated video tutorial for installing ERPNext 14 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 Server LTS with Voice Notes.


Isn’t there an easy install?

You should upload the document with all of your steps.


When watching on youtube directly, I found the document. :slight_smile:

@jdogcisco [quote=“jdogcisco, post:2, topic:109032, full:true”]
Isn’t there an easy install?

Try this for easy install:

Thanks bro I appreciate your effort but can I install it on windows 10 can you guide me

What’s the difference between the developer’s easy_install and erpnext_quick_install?


Simply put, there is no developer-developed or maintained easy install since V12 as they found that it had become difficult and time-consuming to maintain across versions and a number of installation guides are published in the community now so they have now focused effort on actually building the application. So the community took it to task to create installation guides to help others who may face difficulties with installing.

The video in this thread is one such contribution and this easy install tool is my own contribution towards helping community members with little to no skill with CLI as it helps install ERPNext version 14 production with just 2 commands and 5 questions.

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Very cool. I will give it a try.

I ran the developers easy_install and even though it installed and runs, there are weird UI issues and timeouts.

I just ran through this video’s steps. Seems to be working. With this method, I can’t imagine having to maintain versions and upgrade all the dependencies when it’s time to upgrade erpnext in the future. Maybe it’s easy and I’m just a noob.


As per my knowledge, ERPNEXT works on Linux Server. If you wish to run it on Windows then create a Linux Virtual Machine on your windows and you can run it on your windows PC.

If you wish, we can create a video for creating a virtual machine on Windows and Installing Linux on that machine. there are several options for virtual machine. The Major ones are Virtual Box and Hyper-V.

I gave your script a go. It was great! So simple.

Do you plan to make a script to make upgrades easy as well?

How about for installing additional apps? How is that done?

Handling upgrades with a generic script is a lot more tasking as environments differ and it may be extremely difficult to account for different upgrade scenarios. So I don’t thing it’s something I want to attempt at this time.

I plan to add that to the script but I am currently busy with a project but once I can squeeze the time I will add the option to install additional apps as a post-install option.

If you pick an environment, other users will follow. :smile:


Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve followed these steps about 5 times on 5 different fresh ubuntu-server installs. Sometimes instructions work perfectly.

  1. Sometimes, when creating new-site, it can’t log into MySQL (permission denied for root@localhost). Weird thing is, I followed the same steps and I specifically did not disallow root from localhost when running secure installation

  2. On Some installs, I cannot add a lead manually if there is an associated email address at the time of creation. If there’s no email address, the record saves fine. Other times, if I wait 6 minutes, the record will be added. Same for editing an existing record.

Is there a timing issue to be aware of during the install? Am I running the commands too quickly for back-end processes to finish up the previous command or something?

Ever run into these issues?

ubuntu-server is given 12 GB ram and 10 GB storage.

This is really weird.

Number of processor cores is having an impact on background processes. More the processors, faster the commands can be executed.
My Virtual Machine is running on Hyper-V having 8 GB Dynamic RAM, 04 Nos. of Processor Cores and 125 GB of storage and everything works really smooth on this setup.

The best way to avoid these issues is to keep a common password for:

  1. root user on Ubuntu Server
  2. Frappe User on Ubuntu Server
  3. MySQL Root Password
  4. Website Administrator

Although it is weird but it works perfectly fine for me irrespective of how many times I use these steps to install ERPNext on Ubuntu Server.

I guess I can try slowing things down or adding more cores. So weird. There’s no indication that there’s an issue until I create a lead with an email address.

Thanks - all passwords are the same. :person_shrugging:

Rebooted host OS. Working better. Go figure.

hi bro…

how could i develop on frappe from ubuntu server in windows 10 by useing winscp

hi bro…
I have faced this error while i am instaling erpnext app on site