Fetch Child table form one doctype to other doctype

Dear Community,
I had two doctype with same child table but need to fetch based on doctype 1.
Doctype A is Work Handover
Child table A is handover_details
Doctype B is Leave Application
Child table B is work_handover

both child table are same but in different field name if i create work handover and in leave application i select the work handover detail it should automatically fetch the work handover table.

Doctype A

Doctype B

while selecting Select work handover child table should need to fetch from Doctype A.

in Doctype A (Work handover)

in Doctype B (Leave Application)

Doctype A,B common child table (Work handover)

Hi @Mohamed2335,

Please check the syntax:

frappe.ui.form.on('DocType B', {
	doctype_a_link_fieldname_in_doctype_b: function(frm) {
        if (frm.doc.doctype_a_link_fieldname_in_doctype_b) {
                method: 'frappe.client.get',
                args: {
                    doctype: "DocType A",
                    filters: {
                        name: frm.doc.doctype_a_link_fieldname_in_doctype_b
                callback: function(r) {
                    if (r.message) {
                        frm.set_value('parent_field_of_doctype_b', r.message.field_name);
                        // other parent fieldname
                        r.message.doctype_a_child_table_fieldname.forEach(function(item) {
                            var child = frm.add_child('doctype_b_child_table_name');
                            child.doctype_b_child_table_fieldname = item.doctype_a_child_table_fieldname;
                            // other child table fieldname

Pls help to correct my code.

frappe.ui.form.on(‘Leave Application’, {
leave_application_link_fieldname_in_work_handover: function(frm) {
if (frm.doc.leave_application_link_fieldname_in_work_handover) {
method: ‘frappe.client.get’,
args: {
doctype: “Work Handover”,
filters: {
name: frm.doc.doc.leave_application_link_fieldname_in_work_handover
callback: function(r) {
if (r.message) {
frm.set_value(‘work_details’, r.message.work_details);
frm.set_value(‘handed_over’, r.message.handed_over);
frm.set_value(‘status’, r.message.status);
// other parent fieldname
var child = frm.add_child(‘work_handover’);
child.work_handover= item.handover_details;
// other child table fieldname

Ensure that you check the field name, document type name, and child table field name, then adjust them accordingly in the script.

frappe.ui.form.on('Leave Application', {
	select_work_handover: function(frm) {
        if (frm.doc.select_work_handover) {
                method: 'frappe.client.get',
                args: {
                    doctype: "Work handover",
                    filters: {
                        name: frm.doc.select_work_handover
                callback: function(r) {
                    if (r.message) {
                        frm.set_value('employee', r.message.employee);
                        // other parent fieldname
                        r.message.work_handover.forEach(function(item) {
                            var child = frm.add_child('work_handover');
                            child.work_details = item.work_details;
                            // other child table fieldname

Thanks for your response with small adjustments it works

frappe.ui.form.on('Leave Application', {
    select_work_handover: function(frm) {
        if (frm.doc.select_work_handover) 
                method: 'frappe.client.get', 
                args: {
                    doctype: "Work Handover", 
                    filters: {
                        name: frm.doc.select_work_handover
                callback: function(r) { 
                    if (r.message) { 
                        // Clearing existing table rows
                        // Iterating through the fetched data from handover_details and populating the work_handover child table
                        r.message.handover_details.forEach(function(item) {
                            var child = frm.add_child('work_handover'); 
                            child.work_details = item.work_details; 
                            child.handed_over = item.handed_over;
                            child.status = item.status;
                            // other child table fieldname

I have given the reference of the video here, maybe it will help someone.