Multiple Customer Account Statements

It is!! I want it be as easy as clicking a button and emailing them!

I refuse to give up

So many basic features that are missing. No one seem to be listening

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it is a lot of work for them too. if you could do it and share… :slight_smile: everyone could benefit too. i really wish know Python + GIT + linux. My three Achilles heel.

Good Day

Could you email me:

To discuss ERPNext Reports.

Thank You
Albertus Geyser

Yes would be awesome if you could share how you achieved this
even with jasper reports

Good Day

My new Jasper Reports Statement promised to post:

Please show me how many interested then i will upload Jasper Reports file to use on your ERPNext Database.

Thank You

Albertus Geyser

i am very very very interested


Count me in. Thanks.

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I think this will be very helpful.
I am in.

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Good Day All

I saw this from a link i received and like this approach of System 1A:

This could help allot.

Thank You

Albertus Geyser

Good Day

Herewith Link to updated Jasper Reports Customer Statement:

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Check out feat(AR/AP): Group By, Cost Center, Mark Overdue by SaiFi0102 · Pull Request #17668 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

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It’s a pity that this important feature is not done yet as part of core. Please look at it.

yes i second that sad

For people finding this, this last post may also help


@dirkvdl16 This is a brilliant app! Well done! however, it has a few drawbacks. First and most important, doesn’t take into account multi-company instances. There should be a filter to pull customers based on properties such as company.

Also, i get this error when i try to preview a statement. I assume this is also related to the fact that my instance has multiple companies:

This is a fantastic effort though. Thank you!

Thanks for your feedback! The issue has been fixed.
All the best


Indeed issue has been fixed. Thank you for the quick action. It would be nice though if you can consider the option of adding filters such as customers queries based on properties like company, customer group, statement period, e.t.c. This will help improve the queries for a more streamlined statement report.

Thanks for your contribution once again. This is indeed a much needed feature.

full credit to dirkvdl16
looks awesome tested in demo and seem to be working will test in production
but once again full credit